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Writer's pictureLauren Snyder

Let's Plant an herb garden...

Updated: Sep 20, 2024

Here are a few helpful resources for my friends in Planting Zone 9; that will help you get started in creating a beautiful medicinal garden in your own backyard.

First up, we have a yearly planting calendar that I use to help me decide when and how to start seeds (indoors and outdoors). Remember, that while this chart is helpful; getting in touch with your unique seasonal rhythms is important too! If it has been a particularly early spring, very wet rainy season, or colder/warmer than normal...that may play into the success of your seedlings. I always encourage folks to give seed starting a try; because not only can it be a more cost effective way to get your herb garden started, but there is also an immense amount of joy and connection that comes from nurturing a plant through germination.

*Please note that this is not a comprehensive list of herb you can grow in this zone; these are just the ones that I enjoy growing and have had success with!

One of my favorite ways to plant thriving and flourishing gardens of all kinds is through companion planting; utilizing relationships and overlapping qualities of plants to encourage a healthy diverse ecosystem within your growing space. Sometimes Companion Plants are fellow plants that grow under the same conditions, sometimes they have beneficial pest/disease deterrent qualities, and sometimes they just seem to work well together. Companion planting is one of those practices that has a long contested history of validity and levels of success; with some level of disagreement between elder folk growers and laboratory scientists. While some of these companions are backed by scientific testing, some simply have a thriving history in folklore. I enjoy keeping a thorough list of both so that I can experiment in my own garden and find the unique pairings that work for me.

I encourage you to play as well, and find the pairings that work best for you.

*Please note that when a column has "None" listed, that is simply because I couldn't find any valid plants to place there; but new information and knowledge is being discovered every day, so this is the best information I have available at this time.

I hope you find both of these resources helpful!

And be sure to keep your eyes out for more plant specific garden support coming soon...

All resources are property of Thimble and Seed, unless otherwise explicitly stated and are for personal use only.

Resources, PDFs, and digital materials may not be reproduced, copied or sold without prior written consent.

(c) Lauren Snyder 2024 All Rights Reserved

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